Safety training can get expensive. If you could get safety training funded through a grant, that would be awesome! Every state in New England and New York have some workforce educational grants that you can apply for to get funding for training for your staff.
These grants can be used for all kinds of educational purposes, and each one has its own application process and guidelines for use.
Here are the training grants available by state, and some of the basic information you need to know to apply. Good luck!
The Incumbent Worker Training Program
Connecticut offers training grants to companies with the goal of giving them a competitive edge.
How Do I Apply?
Companies should contact the Business Consultant assigned to their region. Regions are broken up into Southwest, South Central, North Central, Eastern, and Northwest. You can find your Business Consultant here.
How Much is the Training Grant For?
The Connecticut Department of Labor is vague on this point, stating the flexibility of the grant, but not citing a specific dollar amount.
What Are The Deadlines?
The best way to find out how to apply for the grant is to contact the Business Consultant in your region.
The Maine Apprenticeship Program (MAP)
Companies can register as an Apprenticeship Sponsor through the Maine Apprenticeship Program. Sponsors have the responsibility to provide on the job training opportunities for the apprentices, and adhering to the Apprenticeship Program guidelines. The Maine Department of Labor will assist employers in developing their program.
How Do I Apply?
Contact Eileen Miazga, Apprenticeship Program Specialist, at or (207) 623-7966.
How Much is the Training Grant For?
The program will pay up to 50% of classroom instruction.
What Are The Deadlines?
There is a rolling enrollment for this program.
DIA Workplace Safety Training Grant
The Workplace Safety Training and Education Grant Program was developed to increase safety in Massachusetts workplaces through training. Training must be completed by June 30th of the following year.
How Do I Apply?
You should complete the safety grant application which can be found online here. A recent (within the past six months) certificate of good standing with the Commonwealth should be obtained and submitted with your application.
How Much is the Training Grant For?
The program will award up to $25,000 a year per company.
What Are The Deadlines?
Applications are generally accepted April, through September each year.
New Hampshire
New Hampshire employers and businesses who pay NH unemployment taxes are eligible to apply for training grants for their workforces, including safety training.
How Do I Apply?
You can find the grant application and instructions online here.
How Much is the Training Grant For?
Employers can receive between $750 and $100,000 for job training. Any requests for over $70,000 will require approval by the Governor and Executive Council and adds a month to the processing time. There is a minimum 1:1 cash match required for employers to be awarded the grant.
What Are The Deadlines?
You can apply anytime, but in order for your application to be reviewed at the next Grant Review meeting, it must be submitted about one month prior.
New York
Department of Labor-Workforce Development Existing Employee Training (EET) Program
New York State releases $2M every year for employers to improve occupational skills and increase retention of their workforce.
How Do I Apply?
NY has one site Consolidated Funding Application (CFA) where businesses can apply to a number of grants. The site includes a CFA Application Manual. Employers must be in good standing with NYS and must also register in Grants Gateway by October 1, 2018.
How Much is the Training Grant For?
Bidders can receive up to $100,000 grant for training existing employees.
What Are The Deadlines?
Applications must be submitted through the CFA portal usually by July
Rhode Island
The Governor’s Workforce Board has made training grant funds available to Rhode Island companies looking to increase the skill sets of their workers through Incumbent Worker Training Grants.
How Do I Apply?
Companies must pay into the Job Development Fund to be eligible to apply as well as be current on all Rhode Island tax payments and be in good standing with the state Workforce Regulation and Safety division and cannot have been prohibited from contracting with an agency that administers federal funds.
Qualifying businesses may apply online, on the GWB website.
How Much is the Training Grant For?
The Incumbent Training Worker Grant will reimburse employers up to 50% of direct training-related costs, for a total of $50,000 and up to $3,500 per trainee.
What Are The Deadlines?
There are no deadlines set forth by the GWB, but we highly recommend applying as early as possible during the fiscal year (July 1- June 30).
The Vermont Training Program (VTP)
VTP has made training grants available to VT employers for new hires and incumbent workers. Approximately $1.2M is available to employers through this fund.
How Do I Apply?
Contact John Young, the Director of Workforce Development Programs for guidance on the application; (802) 355-2725.
Applications for the training program can be
How Much is the Training Grant For?
VTP will reimburse up to 50% of the training cost for pre-employment (with a guarantee of employment after training), new hire, and/or incumbent employee training.
What are the deadlines?
There are no deadlines; the applications are accepted and reviewed on a rolling basis. However, I recommend applying as early as possible within the state’s fiscal year.